Oftentimes in life I feel insignificant. Not necessarily unloved, but I feel like compared to so many others I have nothing to contribute or offer. I know God loves me, but I guess I can’t fathom that I actually have a place in his family if that makes sense. I felt so much more significant when I felt like I had something to offer. If only I could sing better or be less anxious, then maybe I would have more value in the kingdom. Perhaps if I could speak like a normal human I would be a great communicator for his glory.
Well, here is the thing. I don’t have anything to offer other than my yes. Which is great, because that is all that he requires. Sometimes saying yes to whatever it is he is asking of you is something you have to say once in your life. Sometimes it can be multiple times a day. Through everything I’ve learned that my yes, and your yes, may look different, but they are all significant.
Sometimes, I’m worried that I won’t stand out enough. That God won’t be able to hear me over someone else’s more significant prayer or that he loves someone else more so will hear their prayer more. Can God really find me? I live in Iowa…no one wants to go to Iowa. In addition, I live on the west end of my town. An area with statistically higher crime, drug use, and more people living under the poverty level. Can God find me even on the west end of Council Bluffs?
I prayed and told God how I felt. This is what he told me:
God found Noah when he needed a boat builder
He found Abraham in the Ur of the chaldeans and called him to a land that he would show him later
He found Joseph in a prison cell in Egypt even though his family had betrayed him
He found Moses when he was 80 years old in the dessert when he was tending his father in laws sheep
He found Ruth who was a Moabite women picking grain In the fields of Bethlehem
He found Samuel when he was sleeping in the house of the Lord in Shiloh where is mom had left him as a young boy
He found David tending his father’s flock when he wasn’t even called in for the lineup of the sons
He found Jeremiah in his mother’s womb
He found Daniel praying in his window
He found Peter and Andrew when they were fishing in the Sea of Galilee
He found Zacceus In a tree
He found a five time divorcee at Jacobs well
He found Paul on the road while he was on the way to persecute Christians in Damascus
If God can do all that, surely he can find me here. Come on if a fictitious Santa Claus can find us, surely the creator of the universe can. I just have to be ready to hear him and say yes. He will find me and meet me where I am. Our God is not some far off deity who doesn’t have time for us. He is a good father that delights in us.
This realization that we have a God that immeasurably loves us is overwhelming at times in the best way. I don’t have to be better for him to love me. Nothing I can do will make him love me more and nothing I do will cause him to love me less. The same for you is true.
God can find you too.