Thoughts with Koko 12/17/20-Settle in

Sometimes I allow myself to escape from the reality of foster care. I try to forget that he belongs to someone else. I try to forget about my need to plan for the future. I try to forget about the court date last week that we are still waiting to hear the ruling for.  I…

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In the Waiting.

Did you know that between the end of the old testament to the beginning of the new testament nearly 400 years pass? For you and I, a simple turn of the page spans four centuries. Believers had been waiting several generations for the promised king to come. Have you ever really stopped to think about…

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A Ball of Emotions

Do you ever feel like your emotions are snowballing? Like you are eventually going to erupt? Not in anger, but just in anxiety? Uncontrollable tears. As I sat last night on my bed I was overcome with anxiety and the tears just fell. For someone who can usually keep it together in every situation, I was…

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YES: A Letter

Dear one who has ever even for a second considered foster care or adoption: We chose this. Our world is wonderfully upside down by choice. Also, not so much by choice. Where we creaked open a door just a smidge to peak in, God swung it wide open. Of course, we could have said no….

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Thoughts with Koko-11/26/20 Our Journey

I talk and write about foster care and adoption frequently. This is the world I live in and I feel like people in our community do not often speak about our experiences. I feel I have been placed on planet Earth to be right here right now. My mission on this Earth was to have…

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