Thoughts with Koko 3/2/20-Adoption, Loss, and Cake

Twenty three days. On March 25th, 2020, Ryan and I will sit in front of a judge with a little boy that we have had all but one week of his entire life. A little boy who has known no other family or home but ours. On that day, that little boy will become a…

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Our Foster Care Journey By Numbers

This month marks our second birthday as foster parents. Two years. Wow. That’s crazy. So much has happened in two years that it seems like a lifetime ago that we were waiting for our first kiddo to come home. Here are some numbers from our two years as foster parents. 8 placements  5 boys 3…

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The word “relentless” has always been special to me. I have many stories as to why and will probably share those a different time. This word was spoken over me many years ago and I actually have it inscribed on my body. I was never really sure exactly why it captured me until our adoption…

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Thoughts with Koko 1/17/20

I took a very quick trip to Florida last week to see my cousin and her parents. My dad and little man joined me. It was such a great time. Along with my sisters, that cousin is my best friend, so it is always so good to see each other. We laugh and love well….

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Four lessons from a Year with a Broken Heart

One year ago today, our hearts were shattered.  Our little twins, whom we loved dearly, left our home with very little notice. We viewed them as our children. They were family. It was painful when they left. It was gut wrenching. I felt as if I couldn’t catch my breath for weeks. It has been…

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