What Depression Looks Like

The world doesn’t want to talk about depression. But, I am here to talk about it. Everyone has their own idea of what someone suffering from depression looks like. I think we sometimes assume that people who are depressed are sleeping in bed all day and are loners. Sometimes we think of introverted people as…

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I’m Not a Mom

The word “mom” is a hard one for me. No, it has nothing to do with my own mother. Out of all of my days on this Earth my mother has loved and supported me every single one of them. I am lucky that way. When I am called a mom though, I tend to…

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Koko’s Credo

In 8th grade creative writing class we had to write our life credo. At first most of us saw it as another pointless assignment. Somewhere along the way I decided to take it seriously. I have re-visited this list many times to modify and update it.   Here is my credo at 29 years old….

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Loyalty Became My Slavery

Loyalty: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person; being faithful, true-hearted, and devoted in love. Often in my life, when people have described me, they say how loyal of human I am. For many years, that was a huge compliment. I was proud to be so loyal as true loyalty…

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the GIFT of anxiety

Most everyone knows that I have anxiety. Intense, legitimate, crippling anxiety that affects every day of my life. Most everyone also is aware that I choose to live a very intense and stressful life. These two worlds don’t always mesh. My anxiety has played a big part in who I am as an adult. I…

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