Thoughts with Koko 10/10/19

I wish I had a fantastic and huge announcement. I wish that I could say that last several weeks was just a mistake. I wish I could tell you we have answers. I wish I could tell you I was confident that little man was never leaving.  I can’t do that. I have no answers…

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A Pride of Lions

I have always been intrigued by lions. They are fierce and tough. They have equal endurance and lethargy. They live in packs and protect even the young or injured.  When in Africa several years ago, I had the opportunity to see a lion up close and interact with him. I was anxious yet calm. It…

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Thoughts with Koko 9/25/19

They say life in foster care can change dramatically with one text, one call, one minute of a lifetime. I guess that is true with life in the real world too. It just feels like, because of the life we choose to live, this happens more often.  Two days ago, I got the call I…

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30 thoughts from my first 30 years

30 thoughts/things/moments from my first 30 years. 1. I was born in New Orleans as the last of four girls. My parents are proud southerners and never waste an opportunity to remind us that we are not yankees.  2. When I was 18 months old, I had surgery on my heart. I have a wicked…

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The Art of Patience

Patience: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.  I am many things. A patient person is not one of them. I use DVR just so I can skip commercials. I use Amazon prime for faster delivery. When baking, I always bake one minute less than recommended. Why?…

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