When they Leave. The hard part of foster care.

We recently had one of our foster love’s leave our home suddenly after two months with us. It was extremely hard for me to pack up his things and send him away. A small part of my heart went with him. The goal of foster care is reunification. We agreed to that when we signed…

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365 days of I do’s

One year ago today I said these words in front of my family and friends. It has been a year of ups and downs, laughter and tears. But, it was a year of doing life together. It has been a year I have loved and I look forward to making more memories with the love…

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Rookie Parenting

Two and a half weeks ago, our lives changed. We were placed with our first long-term placement.The craziness hasn’t stopped yet. Between appointments, visits, meetings, etc…I feel like we haven’t stopped yet! So, how’s it going? It’s hard. It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. So far, it has been nothing what I expected. The struggles are different….

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Letter to our future little one(s)

Dear little one(s), I can’t stop thinking about you.  Who you are, what you look like, how old you are, what you are doing at this moment.  Are you 2, 6 months, a newborn or still in your moms womb?  Are you hearing or seeing things that make you scared?  Is a chaotic, scary world…

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Grace U

Grace University Like an unpredicted storm it slammed all from behind It’s not fair, not right, definitely not kind. They stole your home away from home, Left with nowhere to go and left all alone. Ripping apart the family we built from day one, Our future seasons abruptly ended, long gone, done. Relinquishing all suspense…

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