Always Write in Pencil–Peru Update May 2017

I hate writing in pen. It is so final. If something changes, it is always messy going back to change it. That is why I prefer to write in pencil. When it comes to life…well, just let God do the writing. As most everyone knows, this summer I am leading a one-month missions trip with…

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The Mission…. #Peruorbust

One of my favorite characters in the bible, other than Jesus, is definitely Queen Esther. Long before she was Queen she was just an ordinary Jewish girl that God chose to use in an extraordinary way.  Esther wasn’t royal or special. She was simply chosen by God. Mordecai told Esther that God had put her…

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I believe that everyone has a call to “go.” We are all first missionaries where we are. In our schools and jobs or wherever he has us now.Some of us then receive our “go” and are sent elsewhere whether that be short-term or long-term to make disciples in other regions or countries. I have received that…

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All You Ever Wanted Was My Heart (Life Update January 2017)

Last summer, as most of you know, I traveled to Zambia with 21 others for a one-month missions trip. During our time in Zambia, we participated in several kids camps, physical projects, and evangelism. Personally, Zambia was a time of great growth. I was challenged in my personal journey with God and as a leader….

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Dana Red

Several weeks ago I had applied for a position and I recently had emailed to follow up. Today, they told me I am not the candidate for the job. That alone was frustrating, but shetook it a step further and explained that due to my lack of undergrad education I am not “qualified” or “fit”…

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