Thoughts with Koko 12/26/24-Just Come

***Note: This is one of those times that I am just along for the ride as my hands and fingers go on the keyboard. I intentionally do not go back and edit the writing other than spelling and some grammatical things. But, I do not cut out, add to, or edit the content other than…

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Six Things I Learned as a Foster Parent

We gave our notice about a month ago and are no longer licensed foster parents. While our journey around foster care and adoption is not over, it is taking a different path. I am certainly not an expert and I don’t have any easy answers. I do hope that some of our experiences in fostering…

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Thoughts with Koko-1/1/21

About two weeks before Christmas, I received a text message from a friend I haven’t talked to in a few months. We live several hours apart now so we rarely see each other, but we do talk and catch up when life slows down a bit. My friend is still a newlywed and was very…

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In the Waiting.

Did you know that between the end of the old testament to the beginning of the new testament nearly 400 years pass? For you and I, a simple turn of the page spans four centuries. Believers had been waiting several generations for the promised king to come. Have you ever really stopped to think about…

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Thoughts with Koko-11/26/20 Our Journey

I talk and write about foster care and adoption frequently. This is the world I live in and I feel like people in our community do not often speak about our experiences. I feel I have been placed on planet Earth to be right here right now. My mission on this Earth was to have…

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